First of all, I want to thank my friendSarinafor telling me which websites to go to for all the neat HTML codes I used for my homepage. I also want to thank her for providing input while I was creating this site.
Next, I want to thank my other friend Ryan for scanning some pictures for me. All other photos on this site were scanned at Long Beach State as well as on the flatbed scanner at my house...which at the time of this writing was temporarily being borrowed from one of my brother's friends.
Last but not least I want to thank Bratta,DynamicDriveandHTMLGoodiesfor providing a lot of great HTML scripts that I incorporated into my page. I also want to thankBloggerfor providing a place where I can easily upload journal entries and news pertaining to updates made on my website.
SITE INFO: The 14 MAIN PAGES in my website are broken down into the following sections:
(NOTE: The screenshots below may not reflect the changes I made to a particular section after that shot was made)
FAVORITES: -Features my personal profile -Links to the specifications I gathered on favorite Gundam suits,Wing Gundam,Wing Zero,Nataku,Deathscythe HellandEpyon -NOTE: I have a separate section that is dedicated solely toGundam Wing -Features info on what movies, songs, NBA / NFL/ MLB teams, and TV shows I like
LINKS: -A link to the web pages of my friends and other people
AUTOGRAPHS: -No special links
-Shows all of the signatures and pictures that I gathered from car show models, Laker players, actors and other celebrities
FILM NOTES: -My other Blog page where I post film reviews, trailer descriptions and other movie-related info
NAME IN SPACE: -List past and present NASA and Japanese robotic space missions that carry compact discs, microchips or aluminum plates bearing the names of thousands of people around the world...including that of Yours Truly